Speaker 1: There are a lot of forms and documents out there that really encourage you to how to prepare your own will, but basically as we tell many of our own friends, clients, and neighbors that if you decide to prepare your own will, it’s really like being an apprentice plumber where you’re going to go and try and fix that leak underneath your sink. And the next day when you go to the office or go to work, you’re going to realize that you’ve just flooded your entire kitchen because you didn’t fix that leak properly with the proper techniques and expertise that a plumber normally would give you.
So we really impress upon people that it’s really not that expensive, and the appropriate way to really handle your estate and your will and things of that nature is to get the proper legal advice from the experts that know what they’re doing because if you don’t do a will correctly, which oftentimes is the case, you’re going to end up causing more havoc and headaches for the people that you love and leave behind than if you would had you just spent a few hundred dollars to take care of the necessary details to properly implement and execute a will from beginning to end.
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