5 Reasons You Need to Start Estate Planning Today!

Too young? No kids? Don’t have a lot of assets? There are plenty of excuses to keep estate planning at the back of your mind, but there are even more compelling reasons to get started right away. Don’t wait until you’re rich and famous. Here are 5 reasons why you should start estate planning as soon as possible. 1) Accidents can happen. Whether you are 20, 60, or 90 years old, you can’t predict the future. It’s Read More

Wills vs. Trusts: Which One Is Right for You?

Wills and trusts are the two most essential elements of any estate plan. They share one basic trait in common: they both act as documented, legally-binding instructions for what happens after you pass away. Beyond that, they differ in many ways and tend to be used in different sets of circumstances. So, which of these two documents is right for you? In your overall estate plan, the answer is most likely “both” — Read More

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Understanding the Florida Probate System

About the Florida Probate Process Probate, simply put, is the legal process of administering the estate of a deceased person by resolving all claims and distributing the deceased person’s property either through a will or without one. In Florida, the probate process can be cumbersome and confusing, but with good legal counsel the process can be smoother. At any level, the primary steps in the probate process Read More

What is a Trust?

What is a Trust? A Trust is a legal document that provides specific instructions to manage your assets for your selected beneficiaries. A properly prepared Trust can reduce Estate Taxes, protect your property from being mishandled and a great way to avoid probate. Assets that are properly Titled in the name of a Trust can be handled or managed by your selected Trustee. Yes, you can also be the Trustee, but Read More

Do you have a Will?

Surprisingly, a large number of adults with children will carry life insurance, but have not taken the time to create a simple will. A will allows you to direct and handle your matters after you have passed on. Specifically, we strongly recommend that anyone who is single and owns property, prepare an estate plan as soon as possible. Secondly, we strongly recommend that anyone with children under 18 prepare an Read More